Tuesday 1 November 2011

1. A magazine is a form of a book with images and text types. What differs a magazine from a book is magazines are used for advertising such as advertising products,shops or clothing. Magazines also provide information about people, mostly celebrities. A magazine is also a form of media.
2. Genres of magazine:
- Fashion
- Sports
- Business
- Wedding
- Health and Beauty
- Gaming
- Photography

3. Common elements of a magazine:
- Big picture on the cover
- Texts and images both combined
- Prizes to be won
- Articles

4. I think we have magazines because it is a form of media and people like to know things about other peoples lifes e.g celebrities. Also if you have a hobby and a magazine has been created for that hobby you'd be attracted to buy it. We also have magazines to advertise shops/clothing.

5. Gossip magazines are probably most popular with our year group and also maybe fashion magazines.

6. Magazines will probably get more bigger because in 50 years there will be much more to advertise.

7. This can attract women because on the front cover they talk about their shoe article which includes 59 new styles. And they also talk about new hairstyles for women to try put. Also by having Cheryl Cole on the cover it will attract women because they want to be a pretty/successful as her.

This will attract people to buy because they are intrested in what's going on celebrities lives and they want to know all the gossip. Again they have Cheryl Cole as the main cover story because people want to know what is going on with her marriage.

This will attract people if they have a wedding to plan or want/need any tips on make-up or a venue. This can also attract non asian people because they may like some tips on make-up or just like to flick through the images.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

How does Attack the Black represent youth?

How Does Attack the Block Represent Youth

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Mary Kate Olsen Photoshop



In the after photo I used the liquifying tool to use the bloat tool to maker her legs/arms/hands/forehead/face much bigger.

Cheryl Cole Photoshop



In the after photo I have used the luiqifying tool to get rid of her ear,make her eyebrows smaller and also make her eyes smaller by using the pucker tool. I used the bloat tool to make her chin bigger and I have also used the clone stamp tool to add extra hair on her forehead.

Monday 10 October 2011

How are young people shown in Eastenders/Tracy Beaker

Young people are portrayed as irresponsible,ill mannered and disrespectful in Eastenders. Some teenagers are shown as respectful at times but mostly they are portrayed as rude kids who go around just causing trouble. In this programme the teenagers are not shown as responsible or polite. They are mostly shown in a bad light.

In Tracy Beaker the teenagers are not shown very rude or disrespectful but they are shown as if all teenagers are  trouble makers and like to go around causing trouble for other people.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Comedy Genre

Conventions of a comedy:

Funny main characters
Crazy/funny plot line
Silly situations
Loads of jokes

Horror Genre

Conventions of a horror movie:

Lots of blood
Mysterious killer/murderer
Falling down